Crew setting up for Memphis Beat
We started a new tradition with our 1st DJ Saturday in August. It is an event where everyone can enjoy great tunes, delicious food, and good times. It was a sucess and was followed with two more in October and November. It will return in March 2011.

DJ Saturday Flier

Frostop Frenzy Flier

50/50 Raffle Flier We had our 1st We CAN Make a Difference food drive for Second Harvest Food Bank and collected 175 pounds of food for a very worthy cause.
We CAN Make A Difference Flier
In November we met Cathi Deever, daughter of CJ Pastor the first person to lease out and run the LaPlace Frostop from Morris Terry! She sent us a great picture of her Dad and brother in front of the LaPlace Frostop 1958.
CJ Pastor & son Ken 1958
In December, we were extremely honored by Navy CWO5 Michael Fontenot for presenting us with a flag flown over Bagram, Afghanistan 9-11-10. We can not begin to thank Michael enough for his service to our country.
Jimmie Toler & Michael Fontenot
Thank you to our great LaPlace Frostop crew!