The cast and crew were a joy to host. DJ Qualls and Leonard Earl Howze stopped several times during the Spring to pick up lunch. They really are terrific guys. DJ liked the onion rings so much he tweeted about them!
In April, our head cook Betty Davis celebrated 25 years with us. It has been an pleasure and honor to work with her all these years. We all look forward to many more years working with her. She truly is one of the family.

We enjoyed a few DJ Saturdays in 2011. Our first scheduled in March was cancelled due to the Memphis Beat photo shoot. We ended up having the event in April, May, and June. A great time was had for all three.

We were honored to be chosen this year as the #2 restaurant in all of the River Parishes in the Times-Picayune Reader's Choice Poll.

This year brought the addition of Diet Frostop Root Beer to our drink selection. In working with the company that now owns the name Frostop that manufactures and distributes Frostop bottled root beer mainly in the Midwest, we were able to get Diet Root Beer made in South Louisiana. We are now distributing both Diet Frostop Root Beer and Regular Frostop Root Beer in 5 gallon bag-in-box to Ted's Frostop in New Orleans, Frostop in Greenville, MS, Bootsy's Ponchatoula, and Country Kitchen Gonzales. We look forward to expanding the number of restaurants it will be offered at in 2012.
The year 2011 was a great year for us at the LaPlace Frostop. We are so thankful to our many customers who have helped make our 53 years a success. We look forward to 2012 and our 54th year serving the River Parishes!